About us Meet the team: today more about Rodrigo

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Rodrigo is one half of the code & design duo. Since the very beginning, Rodrigo and Daniel have been the geniuses behind our Valeriana platform, through which you can book our services, as well as our website. Salomé and Rodrigo met at a coding week held by the company Master21, which was co-founded by Rodrigo. The two hit it off and from this, their collaboration on Valeriana was born.
Rodrigo grew up in Lufental (Basle-Country), close to where the world-famous Swiss company Ricola has its headquarters. He completed an apprenticeship as an app developer and following his military service, he started his own business in 2010. His areas of expertise are user research, interaction & visual design and product development.
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In 2015, he co-founded Codegestalt. He and Daniel design and develop solutions for problems that are close to their hearts. And yes — Valeriana is also one of such passion projects. In 2016, Rodrigo co-founded Master21, Switzerland’s first coding bootcamp. Master21 supports business professionals in their goal to leave an impact on the digital world. They offer transformative learning experiences in fields such as coding skills, computational thinking, agile collaboration and design thinking.
At Valeriana, Rodrigo primarily takes care of the development and refinement of the booking platform and the website to ensure that processes run smoothly on all sides. What Rodrigo appreciates most about working with Valeriana is “the team of inspiring people who show up every day with amazing ideas and plenty of heart and soul to pour into their work.”

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In his free time, Rodrigo likes to be physically active, whether it’s gymnastics, climbing, running or skating — he’s always on the move. During breaks, Rodrigo can often be seen doing handstands in the office. His superpower is listening and as a child, he wanted to become a comic book artist or programmer — one of his dreams has already come true.

Get in touch with Rodrigo on LinkedIn.

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