About us Valeriana in a nutshell

Hi! You’re new here, aren’t you? Allow us to briefly introduce ourselves and break the ice — we’ll keep it short and sweet. 
(If you already know us inside and out, then you’re very welcome to skip ahead to the end of the article — we’re not strict! But the last paragraph is for you (too)! 
We are a social non-profit project by the All Impact association with one basic goal: to strengthen the feeling of community in the general public. To achieve this, we bring people together who may otherwise not have found each other easily, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved. Because we are of the firm belief that one only wins if everyone wins — “doing good for yourself AND for others”, in other words. 
So, we want to support and encourage you to do something good for yourself — and to get help wherever you may need it: cleaning your apartment, for example, washing and ironing your clothes or mending your favourite shirt that you don’t want to let go off just yet. 
And the best part of it all? You get to help others at the same time! You provide our cleaning staff with the opportunity to build up a financial foothold as well as new relationships, learn the language of their new, second home country and, step, by step, start feeling more and more at home. 
To visualise a few facts, we’ve created a pie chart for you. 
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But what you don’t see here is the real impact that you’re having: You empower. You open doors. You create opportunities for real feelings of community. 
And for that we thank you!
(If you skipped the text, you can jump back in here!) 
We thank you by giving you and the person that books through us based on your recommendation a free half hour of our service. Write to us directly here: hallo@valeriana.ch. Or book here: valeriana.ch/book

And: spread the word, spread the love, spread Valeriana! 

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