About us How we make the life of our employees easier with apps
A virtual walk to your favourite café in Paris? Communicate despite the language barrier. Nowadays, technology makes all this and much more possible. To make life and work even easier for our employees, we recently invited them to the Valeriana office for app training.
“Where would you like to travel someday?”, Bora asks the group of 14 eyes and 7 cell phones. "Asmara", "Rome”, "Paris", it sounds back. So, Bora shows the employees exactly how to do it - with Google Street view, without even standing up from their chairs. Such dream trips should help our employees to find their way around the city in which they currently live and work: How can I use Google Maps to find my way to the next client? And how do I find the right house?

Some of the attendants are already trained in using apps, like for example Google Maps. Others are just getting started with the digital world. Everyone is in a relaxed and an amused mood. When Bora shows how to mute chats on Telegram (our main communication channel), everyone laughs: "Who are you muting right now?" - "My sister!!!"

Since almost all of our employees travel from work location A to work location B by public transport, the SBB app, of course, must not be forgotten. Our employees try to find the fastest way to a certain address or the connection with the fewest changes - whatever is most efficient.
Everyone is amazed as Bora introduces Google Translator. "It's magic," they all agree. Google Translate can translate texts from images on your phone using the camera functions, and can also acoustically transpose spoken words into any other language within a few seconds. This allows two people to have a conversation even if they don't speak the same language.

Everyone is excited and takes the newly learned knowledge straight home with them. When one of the employees shows up at the office the next day with her daughter, she is also thrilled: Mom showed me all the technical magic last night - and even took me on a virtual walk to her favorite café in her home city