About us Corporate social community event hosted by Valeriana – live baking & punch
At the beginning of December, our Valeriana client Sylwia came to us with an exciting proposition. The world-famous tech company she works for was planning a virtual Christmas party for its employees and was looking for a host.
Getting started — a Christmas holiday special
Sylwia immediately thought of the Valeriana team and asked whether we could host her virtual Christmas party. She didn’t have to ask twice! For as Erich Kästner used to say:
“Nothing good happens unless you do it.” And nothing is better and more encouraging than when our clients become part of the Valeriana mission and actively support and promote our social impact goals so that even more people can find out about Valeriana.
Without further ado, we got together with our Valeriana employees and organised a virtual Christmas bakery with homemade punch and a Christmas quiz with questions about Christmas songs and films. Our employee Maria Magdalena was the secret star of our online Christmas session!
Maria Magdalena is originally from the Dominican Republic, has spent most of her life in Italy and speaks five languages. The latter came in handy due to the international nature of our event. And thus, Maria Magdalena would sometimes speak English, sometimes Spanish and at other times Italian.
We also created the recipes together with Maria Magdalena. As part of the event, all participants took part in making delicious Christmas catuccini, an Italian biscuit classic from Tuscany, in their kitchens. While the cantuccini browned nicely in the oven, our participants started preparing a tasty “Ponche à la Maria Magdalena”. The recipe for her Christmas punch is based on the Dominican fruit cocktail, which, of course, has to be part of every party of family celebration, including ours.
A successful Christmas event
The virtual Christmas party was a total success. Once the scent of the delicious cantuccini started emerging from the ovens of our 60 participants, even those with the least charitable Christmas spirit started getting into the Christmas groove. What’s that? You’re now also suddenly feel like making punch and baking your own supply of cantuccini to last you for the rest of 2022? Well, then you can find the recipes here:
So, how about it, would you also like to book a unique corporate social community event with an extra touch of social impact? Whether it’s a Christmas, Easter or summer party, we’ve got an infinite number of ideas ready and would be more than happy to work on them with you.
For example, how about a (virtual) Valeriana dinner or an Eritrean coffee tasting session? Sound good? Well, then let’s do it together. :) And, of course, it doesn’t always have to be business-related, you could just as well book something for your next ladies’ or men’s evening. Why not try something new? If that isn’t a good resolution for 2022!
And if you run a business, why not do something good for your staff in 2022? Something really good? How about giving them the gift of help at home with one of our seven services.
Get in touch with us at any time by phone or send us an email at hallo@valeriana.ch!
We’re looking forward to hearing from you — “Nothing good happens unless you do it.”